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Revocation of coverage of the Wagga Wagga natural gas distribution network (Submissions on draft recommendation)
The period for submissions on the Council’s draft recommendation ended on 15 July 2013. The Council received nine submissions (plus consultant’s reports) from interested parties. Envestra and AGL provided information to the Council confidentially. The public versions of those submissions and all other submissions received can be downloaded below.
Envestra Limited submission (public version) (PDF, 1.88MB)
Core Energy Group (public version) - part of Envestra Limited’s submission (PDF, 361KB)
ACIL Allen Consulting - part of Envestra Limited’s submission (PDF, 679KB)
Energy networks association submission (PDF, 121KB)
Momentum Energy Pty Ltd submission (PDF, 978KB)
Australian Energy Market Commission submission (PDF, 277KB)
Energy Retailers Association of Australia submission (PDF, 272KB)
Simply Energy submission (PDF, 418KB)
Origin Energy Limited submission (PDF, 138KB)
EnergyAustralia Pty Ltd submission (PDF, 110KB)
AGL Energy Limited submission (public version - confidential attachment removed) (PDF, 139KB)