Revocation of coverage of the Wagga Wagga natural gas distribution network (Application)

The Council received an application from Envestra Limited for revocation of coverage of the Wagga Wagga natural gas distribution system. The effect of such revocation would be to end regulation of the price and other terms of access to the Wagga Wagga gas distribution system under the National Gas Law.

A copy of the public notice advising of this application and calling for submissions, and the public version of the Envestra application are available from the links below (a small amount of commercially confidential information has been redacted from the public version of the application).

To assist interested parties the Council’s Guide to Coverage, revocation and Classification of Pipelines is also available on this website. The Council is undertaking a public consultation on the application in accordance with the standard consultative procedure (rule 8 of the National Gas Rules). Under this procedure, in normal circumstances, the Council has 4 months in which to make its recommendation.

If you intend to make a submission, or would otherwise like to be kept informed of developments with the application, please download and complete the Registration of Interest form below and email it to us as soon as possible to

The Council invites interested parties to make written submissions on the application by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 28 May 2013.

Submissions should be emailed (in both MS Word and PDF formats) to, with a hard copy sent to:

Wagga Wagga revocation
National Competition Council
Level 21, 200 Queen St
Melbourne Vic 3000

Telephone enquiries may be directed to the Council on (03) 9981 1600.

After considering submissions on the application received within the time allowed, the Council will publish a draft recommendation and provide an opportunity for submissions on the draft recommendation prior to making a final recommendation to the relevant Minister.

On the basis that the Wagga Wagga gas distribution system is a distribution pipeline system and located wholly within New South Wales, the relevant Minister will be the NSW Minister for Resources and Energy, Hon. Chris Hartcher MP.
