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Revocation of coverage of the Wagga Wagga natural gas distribution network (Submissions on application)
The Council invited written submissions on the application and received four from Energy Australia, AGL Energy, Origin Energy and the Energy Retailers Association of Australia. All of the submissions are available for download at the links below.
After the closing date for submissions, Envestra emailed the Council comments on the submissions received. The Council requested Envestra formalise this material into a letter to enable the Council to publish it on the website.
The Council also requested Energy Australia and Origin provide some additional material in relation to some issues raised in their submissions. The additional material received is available for download below. The Council is now considering all of this material in preparing its draft recommendation. Interested parties will have a further opportunity to provide comment and make submissions in response to the draft recommendation.
Submission by AGL Energy Limited (PDF, 2.21MB)
Submission by Energy Australia Pty Ltd (PDF, 26KB)
Submission by Energy Retailers Association of Australia (PDF, 380KB)
Submission by Origin Energy Limited (PDF, 69KB)
Supplementary information
Envestra Limited - comments on submissions (PDF, 1.87MB)
Energy Australia Pty Ltd - additional material to submission (PDF, 192KB)
Origin Energy Limited - additional material to submission (PDF, 49KB)