Application for declaration of the Tasmanian Railway Network (Application)

On 2 May 2007 the Council received an application under Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA) from the Rail Unit within the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (Tasmania) for declaration of a service provided through use of a facility. A copy of the application is available for download below.

The service the application sought to have declared is described as the use of the rail tracks and certain associated infrastructure on the following segments of the Tasmanian railway network:

• the Bell Bay line;
• the Derwent Valley line;
• the Fingal line;
• the South line;
• the North-East line;
• the Western line; and
• the Zinc Works line;

for the purpose of operating a rail service on the Tasmanian railway network (the Service).

The Service Provider is identified as the State of Tasmania. The operator is identified as Pacific National Tasmania Pty Ltd.


Application, May 2007 (PDF, 849KB)