Consideration of possible recommendation to revoke declaration of service at the Port of Newcastle (Council’s final views)

The Council has released its Statement of Preliminary Views in relation to its consideration of whether to recommend under section 44J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 that the designated Minister revoke the declaration of the shipping channel service at the Port of Newcastle.

The Council’s preliminary view is that it proposes to recommend that the declaration be revoked.

Interested parties are invited to make written submissions on the Council’s Statement of Preliminary Views by 5.00pm on 4 February 2019. Submissions should focus on the preliminary views reached by the Council and the reasons for these, and seek to provide additional information and analysis to that already available to the Council.

Submissions should be accompanied by a cover sheet, and should be emailed (in both MS Word and PDF formats) to or mailed in hard copy to:

PON Revocation,

National Competition Council,

GPO Box 250, Melbourne VIC 3001.

In making submissions, interested parties may be assisted by the Council’s guides to making a submission and to the declaration of services.

All submissions will be published on the Council’s website. Parties proposing to submit confidential material should contact the Council prior to doing so.

Inquiries in relation to this matter should be addressed to or to the Council by telephone on 1800 099 470.


Statement of Preliminary Views, 19 December 2018 (PDF, 1.39MB)

Submission cover sheet (RTF, 274KB)