Application for light regulation of Envestra’s Queensland Gas Distribution Network (Application)

On 18 August 2014 the Council received an application from Envestra Limited under the National Gas Law for the light regulation of its covered Queensland Gas Distribution Network which distributes gas in the Brisbane Region (Brisbane CBD, Ipswich and suburbs north of the Brisbane River) and Northern Region (Rockhampton and Gladstone).  The public version of the application is available below.

The Council now invites written submissions on the application from interested parties. The closing date for submissions is 5:00pm on Thursday 11 September.

If you intend to make a submission, or would otherwise like to be kept informed of developments with the application, please download and complete the Registration of Interest form below and email it to  Parties making a submission should refer to the Council's Gas Guide and guide to Making a submission on applications made under the National Gas Law available below.

Submissions should be emailed in soft copy (both MS Word and PDF) to the Council at the above email address, with a hard copy sent to:

QGDN Application
National Competition Council
GPO Box 250
Melbourne VIC 3001

The Council will then consider the submissions received by the due date, prepare a draft decision, provide a further opportunity for public comment on the draft decision and issue its final decision.

The National Gas Law requires the Council to make its decision within a statutory time period of four months from the date it receives the application, with provision for extension in exceptional circumstances. At this stage the Council anticipates that it will make its decision within the relevant four month timeframe.


Application for light regulation (PDF, 2.70MB)

Registration of Interest (RTF, 321KB)

Gas Guide, October 2013 (PDF, 1.09MB)

Making a submission on applications made under the National Gas Law, November 2013 (PDF, 411KB)