Application for 15 year no-coverage determination - Comet Ridge to Wallumbilla Pipeline Loop (CRWPL) (Application)

The Council has received an application under section 151 of the National Gas Law (NGL) from GLNG Operations Pty Ltd for a 15 year no-coverage determination in relation to a proposed natural gas pipeline that will run between Comet Ridge and Wallumbilla in Queensland.

The proposed pipeline (the CRWPL) will transport gas from sources at, or near, Roma via the Wallumbilla Gas Hub to Comet Ridge and ultimately to GLNG’s LNG facility at Curtis Island via the GLNG Pipeline.

The effect of a 15 year no-coverage determination is to exempt the pipeline from coverage under the NGL for 15 years from its commissioning.

Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for download below.

In the course of its preliminary consideration of the application the Council sought additional information from the applicant in relation to the basis on which the CRWPL could be considered a greenfields pipeline. The applicant’s response to this request is contained in a letter from its solicitors dated 17 February 2015. This letter is also available below.

You can register your interest in this matter by completing the registration of interest form below and emailing it to or by telephoning 1800 099 470.

The Council now invites written submissions in response to the application from interested parties. The closing date for submissions is Thursday 12 March 2015.

The Council’s Gas Guide (which contains information on 15 year no-coverage determinations and the decision-making process) and a guide to making a submission on applications made under the National Gas Law are available from the Council’s website. Submissions should be emailed to, with a hard copy sent to National Competition Council, GPO Box 250, Melbourne, VIC, 3001. Other inquiries may be directed to John Feil on (03) 9290 1499.


GLNG Operations response to request for further information, 17 February 2015 (PDF, 2.06MB)

Application cover letter, 12 February 2015 (PDF, 81KB)

Application (public version), 12 February 2015 (PDF, 1.37MB)

Annexure 1 - KOGAS consent letter (PDF, 28KB)

Annexure 1 - Petronas consent letter (PDF, 246KB)

Annexure 1 - Santos consent letter (PDF, 268KB)

Annexure 1 - Total GLNG consent letter (PDF, 220KB)

Annexure 2, Appendix 1 - Santos Annual Report (PDF, 2.16MB)

Annexure 2, Appendix 3 - Petronas Annual Report (PDF, 5.61MB)

Annexure 2, Appendix 1 - Total GLNG Registration document 2013 (PDF, 3.03MB)

Annexure 2, Appendix 1 - KOGAS 2013 Sustainability report (PDF, 34.3MB)

Annexure 4 - GLNG Project Map (PDF, 564KB)

Annexure 4 - CRWP Loop overview map (PDF, 518KB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 1 of 31 (PDF, 2.34MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 2 of 31 (PDF, 2.19MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 3 of 31 (PDF, 2.03MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 4 of 31 (PDF, 2.07MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 5 of 31 (PDF, 1.96MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 6 of 31 (PDF, 2.11MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 7 of 31 (PDF, 2.12MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 8 of 31 (PDF, 2.55MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 9 of 31 (PDF, 2.76MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 10 of 31 (PDF, 2.83MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 11 of 31 (PDF, 2.65MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 12 of 31 (PDF, 2.81MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 13 of 31 (PDF, 2.74MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 14 of 31 (PDF, 2.77MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 15 of 31 (PDF, 2.50MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 16 of 31 (PDF, 2.39MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 17 of 31 (PDF, 2.65MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 18 of 31 (PDF, 2.54MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 19 of 31 (PDF, 2.15MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 20 of 31 (PDF, 2.26MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 21 of 31 (PDF, 2.51MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 22 of 31 (PDF, 2.33MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 23 of 31 (PDF, 2.44MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 24 of 31 (PDF, 2.69MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 25 of 31 (PDF, 2.78MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 26 of 31 (PDF, 2.74MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 27 of 31 (PDF, 2.90MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 28 of 31 (PDF, 2.80MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 29 of 31 (PDF, 2.84MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 30 of 31 (PDF, 2.88MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop map 31 of 31 (PDF, 2.89MB)

Annexure 5 - CRWP Loop location map (PDF, 6.75MB)

Annexure 7 - ACIL Allen Consulting report (PDF, 3.24MB)

Registration of interest (RTF, 295KB)