Application for declaration of the Domestic Terminal Service at Terminal 2 (T2) at Sydney Airport

On 8 August 2014 Tiger Airways withdrew its application for declaration.  This ends the Council's consideration of the matter.

On 3 July 2014 Tiger Airways Australia Pty Ltd applied for declaration of the Domestic Terminal Service at Terminal 2 at Sydney Airport provided by Sydney Airport Corporation Limited.

The public (non-confidential) version of Tiger’s application is available under the Application tab.

Formal notice of this application and a call for written submissions will appear in The Australian newspaper on Tuesday 8 July.

Telephone enquiries may be directed to the Council on 1800 099 470.

Further information on the declaration of services under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) is available on the Council’s website. In particular, the website provides a guide to Declaration of Services and a Guide to making a submission on declaration applications. Links to these guides are available under the Application tab.



Registration of interest (RTF, 327KB)