Application for a 15 year no-coverage determination for proposed QCLNG Pipeline

On Tuesday 19 January 2010 the Council received an application under the National Gas Law (NGL) from QCLNG Pipeline Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of BG Group / QGC Limited) for a 15 year no-coverage determination for the proposed "QCLNG Pipeline" in Queensland, running from the Surat Basin to Curtis Island. If granted, the effect of such a determination is to exempt the QCLNG Pipeline from coverage under the NGL for 15 years from its commissioning.

The public version of the application (excluding material identified as confidential by the applicant) is available under the Application tab in the left hand navigation pane.

The Council conducted public consultation on the application, and considered written submissions on it from various parties. The closing date for submissions on the application was 15 February 2010. Submissions on the application are available for download under the tab to the left.

On Tuesday 23 March 2010, the Council issued its classification determination and draft recommendation. The QCLNG Pipeline was classified as a transmission pipeline located wholly within Queensland. Consequently the relevant Minister to decide the application is the Commonwealth Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, Hon. Martin Ferguson. The Council's draft recommendation was that the Minister grant the no coverage determination.

The Council then conducted a period of public consultation on the draft recommendation.  The closing date for submissions on the draft recommendation was 15 April 2010. The Council received one submission on the draft recommendation, as well as a response from the applicant to the issue raised in that submission. They are available for download under the tab to the left.

Having considered submissions following its draft recommendation, the Council provided its final recommendation to the Commonwealth Minister on 5 May 2010. The Council's final recommendation was (as in its draft recommendation) that the Minister grant the no coverage determination.

On 15 June 2010 the Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon Martin Ferguson, granted a 15 year no-coverage determination for the QCLNG pipeline.  His determination and statement of reasons are available for download under the Outcomes & subsequent events tab.