Application for light regulation of the Allgas Gas Distribution Network

On 27 January 2015, Allgas Energy Pty Ltd applied to the Council for a light regulation determination for the covered Allgas Gas Distribution Network (AGDN). This network distributes gas to southern Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Tweed Heads and Banora Point in north east New South Wales, and the Toowoomba and Oakey townships.

The public version of this application is available on the Council’s website under the Application tab.

The Council commenced its formal consideration of this application on Monday 2 February 2015 with public notice of the application and an invitation for submissions appearing in that day’s Australian newspaper.

The period for interested parties to make submissions on the application closed on 23 February 2015.  The Council received two submissions (including a late submission) which are available for download under the Submissions on application tab.

On 20 March the Council released its draft decision, which is available for download under the Draft recommendation tab. The Council proposes to make a determination that the services provided by the Allgas Gas Distribution Network be light regulation services.

Also available for download is the letter from Allgas dated 13 March 2015, referred to in the draft decision, in which Allgas provides its views on network pricing and terms and conditions under light regulation.

Interested parties were invited to make written submissions on the draft decision by 14 April 2015. The Council did not receive any submissions.

On 28 April 2015 the Council published its final decision. The Council determined that the services provided by the Allgas Network be light regulation services. The determination comes into force 60 business days from the date it was made. A copy of the Council’s determination and statement of reasons is available for download under the Final recommendation and decision tab.

If you would like to be kept informed of developments with the application, please download and complete the Registration of Interest form below and email it to


Registration of Interest (RTF, 321KB)